
Urban Agenda for the EU: Multi-level governance in action

Urban Agenda for the EU: Multi-level governance in action


The European Commission has updated the brochure ‘Urban Agenda for the EU – Multi-level governance in action’, initially developed and published in 2019, with the most recent UAEU developments in order to celebrate five years of cooperation and achievements under this initiative as well as to emphasis its role in supporting innovative and good governance and in implementing the New Urban Agenda (NUA) and connection to the New Leipzig Charter, the Ljubljana Agreement, the review of the UAEU’s contribution to the NUA, as well as answers of UAEU cities to COVID-19. 


EU Border Regions: Living labs of European integration

EU Border Regions: Living labs of European integration


By reviewing the progress made in implementing the actions announced in the 2017 and drawing on the lessons learnt during the COVID-19 crisis, the report revisits the 2017 action plan to increase its effectiveness and adjust it to new realities.  The European Commission examines how initiatives and programmes under the Multi-Annual Financial Framework 2021-2027 can be used to stimulate the recovery of border areas, whose economies have often been particularly severely disrupted by the crisis. The report also considers the EU’s external borders with neighbours that have an agreed accession path to join the European Union.

Territorial Agenda 2030 - A future for all places

Territorial Agenda 2030 - A future for all places


The renewed Territorial Agenda 2030 was adopted on 1 December 2020 in the Informal Meeting of Ministers responsible for Territorial Cohesion and/or Territorial Development organised by the German EU Presidency. The Territorial Agenda provides important links with Cohesion and other EU policies.

INTERACT Communication Toolkit 3.0.

INTERACT Communication Toolkit 3.0.

This toolkit is a compilation of global recommendations for effective communication tailored to Interreg specific context to help programmes plan and carry out their communications more effectively and in synergy with other programmes.
Celebrating 25 years of INTERREG: across and beyond borders

Celebrating 25 years of INTERREG: across and beyond borders


Interreg TOP 5 achievments in 25 years: Trust Building, Connectivity, Health, Safety and Growth and 25 project illustrations (2015).

Boosting growth and cohesion in EU border regions

Boosting growth and cohesion in EU border regions

Communication from the European Commission on cross-border obstacles in the EU (2017).
Things to know about transnational cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region

Things to know about transnational cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region


Interreg Baltic Sea Region is one of 15 EU funding Programmes for European transnational cooperation. Interreg transnational cooperation programmes have been operational for more than 20 years, implementing actions in the framework of the EU Cohesion Policy.

10 things to know about transnational cooperation

10 things to know about transnational cooperation


The role of Interreg transnational cooperation programmes in EU Cohesion Policy.

Infographic on 10 measures  for boosting EU cross-border regions

Infographic on 10 measures for boosting EU cross-border regions

28 EU countries, together with Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, share close to 40 land borders, with over 440 regions located alongside at least one border. Additional measures for closer cooperation and overcoming cross-border obstacles proposed by the European Commission in 2017.